Condescending Mid-wits

September 20, 2021 at 5:12 pm (Uncategorized)

An Arkansas hospital is requiring employees to sign a form to request religious exemption from the Covid vaccine. Not that there is anything wrong with that per-se. But the form the hospital is using is both condescending and untrue.
The condescending I can understand, as the only acceptable Christian ‘faith’ is ‘be nice and don’t judge.’ It used to bother me that ‘new age’ religions & others don’t get treated that way, but I got over it. We’re approaching the end-times, and it’s only going to get worse from here.

The article, and form are at And the LIE? It’s not even a good one. Fetal cells were ONLY used in the development viral vaccines from the late 60s, and approved for use in 1970 in Europe and 1979 in the US. And of the list of medications (and duplicates), these were produced PRIOR to fetal cell use:
Aspirin in 1899, Pepto-Bismol in 1901, Ex-Lax (Senokot) in 1906, Sudafed in the 1920s, Tums in 1928, Preparation-H in 1935, Sufedrine in 1938, Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) in 1940, Maalox in 1949, Tylenol (acetaminophen) in 1952, Motrin (ibuprofen) in 1962, and Albuterol in 1972.

Also, isn’t including both the brand name as well as the generic name the kind of trick a middle-school student would use to pad the length of a report – before they have figured out that increasing the font size and margins lengthens a paper too? To me, it sounds like it was written by a humanities mid-wit trying to sound important and ‘educate’ the stupid Christians.

So the LIE in the document are that a significant portion of the listed drugs did not use ‘fetal cells in their development.’

So if you are confronted with one of these forms, ask how accurate the information on these drugs is. Get them to sign it if you can.

And if you’re interested, there is a ‘feedback’ page at

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